Title: Introduction of THK linear bearing
Views: 676 Date: 2022-11-25

                                            Introduction of THK linear bearing

THK linear bearing is a low cost linear motion system, which is used in combination with cylindrical shaft for unlimited travel. Since the bearing ball is in point contact with the shaft, the service load is small. The steel ball rotates with very small friction resistance, so as to obtain high-precision and stable movement.

THK linear bearing is used with quenched linear drive shaft. A system that moves in an infinite straight line. The load ball and the quenched transmission shaft are in point contact, so the allowable load is small. However, when moving in a straight line, the friction resistance is minimum, the precision is high, and the movement is fast.

The great thing about the use of world brand bearings

Precautions for use of SKF bearing

First, keep the SKF bearing and its surroundings clean

Second Be careful when using. If you are too careless when using, you will have a strong impact on the bearing, which will cause the bearing to have scars, indentations, fractures and other injuries.

Third, the tools used should be appropriate

IV Pay attention to the rust prevention of SKF bearing

To prevent use in wet places, it is prohibited to take the bearing with bare hands, and gloves should be worn.

V Users should be familiar with bearings and experienced.

Precautions for use of FAG bearing

Be careful when using and installing

1, It is not allowed to punch forcefully, strike the bearing directly with a hammer, or transmit pressure through rolling elements.

2Use proper and accurate installation tools

Try to use tools, and try to avoid using cloth and short fibers.

3Keep the FAG bearing and its surrounding environment as clean as possible


Even if invisible smile dust enters FAG bearing, it will also increase the wear of FAG bearing (a basic type of component failure), vibration and noise.

4Prevent corrosion of FAG bearing

When the FAG bearing is taken directly by hand, the sweat on the hand should be fully washed and coated with high-quality mineral oil before operation. In rainy season and summer, special attention should be paid to the prevention of FAG bearing, and its use should also be carried out with corresponding caution. No matter how high performance FAG bearings are used, if they are used improperly, they will not achieve the expected high performance. Precautions for the use of FAG bearings are as follows.

(1) Keep FAG bearing and its surroundings clean.

Even small dust that cannot be seen by eyes will bring bad effects to FAG bearings. Therefore, keep the surroundings clean to prevent dust from invading the FAG bearing.

(2) Use with caution.

The strong impact on FAG bearing in use will cause scars and indentations, which will become the cause of the accident. In serious cases, cracks and fractures may occur, so attention should be paid.

(3) Use appropriate operating tools.

Avoid replacing existing tools, use appropriate tools FAG bearing FAG is the best in the world rolling bearing industry. Its business has spread all over the world, covering 130 countries, producing more than 500 million bearings every year, and its sales network is all over the world.

(4) Pay attention to the corrosion of FAG bearing.

When operating FAG bearings, the sweat on the hands will be the cause of rust. Pay attention to using clean hands and try to wear gloves.