Title: Ball Screws & Miniature Ballscrews
Views: 1330 Date: 2018-08-16

Ball Screws & Miniature Ballscrews

THK full range of high performance and cost effective rolled and ground ball screws. Miniature ranges and high precision lead accuracy of C3 and C5 classes available.

Ground, rolled, miniature and high speed SBN ranges in a variety of sizes and styles. High precision, high speed and long operational life requirements are all catered for, our support bearings and machining options provide complete packages.

Features and Benefits:

  • High rigidity
  • Minimal backlash and preloaded options
  • Fast feed speed
  • High positional accuracy
  • Easy to install and mount
  • Miniature screw diameters from 4mm

Miniature ball screws